
Address & Phone

54 Pearl St, New York, NY 10004, USA
P: +1 212-425-1778


Monday-Friday: 12:00 - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 11:00am - 5:00pm


Adults (18+): $7
Seniors (65+): $4
Students (w/ valid ID): $4
Children (6-18): $4
Children (under 5): FREE
Active Military (w/ ID): FREE
Family Group: $20
General Group Rate (14+ adults): $5 per person

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/museums/Fraunces Tavern.html

Fraunces Tavern Museum’s mission is to preserve and interpret the history of the American Revolutionary era through public education.

This mission is fulfilled through the interpretation and preservation of the Museum's collections, landmarked buildings and varied public programs that serve the community. The growing City was running out of building space. Old buildings were being replaced with new ones. In 1900, when 54 Pearl Street was threatened with demolition, the Daughters of the American Revolution with the aid of the Honorable Andrew H. Green, founder and president of the Society for the Preservation of Scenic and Historic Places, came together to try and save 54 Pearl Street for preservation. This committee was the nucleus of the later American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society. For several years, the attempted to purchase the building for several years, but were refused by the owners.2017 Celebrate 110 years as a public museum

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